News and Updates

New paper in PNAS identifies conserved intestinal regenerative mechanisms in vertebrates
Congrats to Castoe lab PhD students Aundrea Westfall, Sid Gopalan and other coauthors for their recent paper in PNAS! This paper provides exciting new evidence

Quotes from Todd in Science Magazine this week on new snake genomes
A few brief quote from Todd in today’s issue of Science Magazine, in a news commentary about a recent paper in Cell with 14 new

New paper in Genome Biology and Evolution on snake venom suggests how gene regulatory networks may evolve single cell heterogeneity
Congrats to Castoe lab PhD students Aundrea Westfall, Sid Gopalan and other coauthors for their recent paper in Genome Biology and Evolution. This paper provides

Nikolakis et. al. Genomics of hybrids study on the cover of Evolution
Congrats to PhD student Zach Nikolakis and other coauthors for their recent paper in Evolution that got the cover image, which is a hybrid rattlesnake

Quotes from Todd in Science Magazine this week
Extremely brief quote from Todd in today’s issue of Science Magazine, in a news commentary about new findings of molecular adaptation and convergence in high-elevation

New Paper in Evolution on evolutionary processes shaping hybrid genomes
Congrats to Zach Nikolakis, and other coauthors on a new paper in Evolution, focused on discerning distinct evolutionary processes that shape rattlesnake hybrid zones, which

Trio of papers highlighting progress and perspectives on Schistosomiasis control through integration of genomic and epidemiological data
Congrats to Zach Nikolakis, and other coauthors within the lab and at the University of Colorado School of Medicine (Pollock and Carlton labs) on a

New paper in GBE provides first characterization of a snake W-chromosome: a GC-rich retroelement refugium with retained gene function across ancient evolutionary strata
Congrats to lab alum Drew Schield and other current and former students (Aundrea Westfall, Blair Perry, Daren Card, and Giulia Pasquesi) on a new paper

New paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution provides population genomic evidence of pervasive balancing selection driving snake venom variation
Congrats to lab alum Drew Schield and other current and former students (Sid Gopalan, Blair Perry, Rich Adams) on a new paper that suggests that