News and Updates

New paper in Genome Research identifies the evolutionary origins of novel regulatory networks that underlie snake venom expression
Congrats to lab alumni Blair, Drew, and Giulia, current lab members Sid and Aundrea, and collaborators, on a new paper that uses a large functional

New paper in Toxicon identifies origins, copy number variation, and regulation of snake venom myotoxins and related lnRNAs
Congrats to PhD student Sid Gopalan, and lab alum Blair and Drew, on a new paper that identifies the evolutionary origins, genomic structure and copy

New paper in BMC Genomics identifies an integrated stress and growth response ‘switch’ that directs vertebrate regeneration
Congrats to Ph.D. student Andrea Westfall, lab alumni Blair, Drew, and Nicky, and collaborators, on a new paper that uses diverse gene expression and proteomic

Blair Perry graduates with his Ph.D., and is awarded NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship to study bear hibernation at Washington State U
Multiple congrats are due to Blair, who defended his Ph.D. in May, was a postdoc in our lab through the summer, and was awarded an

New paper in Heredity confirms male-biased mutation rates in snakes using population genomic data
Congrats to lab alumni Drew Schield, and lab members Blair and Zach, on a new paper that uses population genomic data from rattlesnakes to test

New paper in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases – patterns of relatedness and genetic diversity in Schistosoma parasites
Our paper using whole genome sequencing of archival Schistosoma japonicum miracida samples to study patterns of relatedness, genetic diversity, and transmission is now online at

New Paper in Scientific Reports – Physiological demands and signaling associated with snake venom production and storage
Our paper using gene expression to characterize venom gland physiology has been accepted at Scientific Reports! Congrats to Blair, Drew, Aundrea, Steve Mackessy, and Todd!

New Paper in MBE – Microchromosomes exhibit distinct features of vertebrate chromosome structure and function
Our paper detailing unique features of microchromosome structure and function has been accepted at Molecular Biology and Evolution! Congratulations to Blair, Drew, Rich, and Todd!

New paper in Nature Microbiology – Evolutionary origins of the SARS-CoV-2 lineage responsible for CoV-19, and re-analysis of codon usage data falsely implicating snakes as hosts
New collaborative manuscript on the origins of the virus causing COVID-19. Boni, M.F., P. Lemey, X. Jiang, T. Tsan-Yuk Lam, B.W. Perry, T.A. Castoe, A.