News and Updates

New Castoe Lab Website!
Welcome to the new Castoe Lab website! We are currently still working on the finishing touches, including uploading PDFs for our publications, building personal pages

New paper in ProcB – Functional genomics of intestinal regeneration in multiple snake species
Our new paper on mechanisms driving regenerative intestinal growth in snakes was recently published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B! This study is the

New paper in Biological Journal of the Linnean Society – Secondary Contact in Rattlesnakes
Our new paper documenting pervasive secondary contact with gene flow in a rattlesnake species complex is out in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society!

Summer Field Research in the West
We had a productive summer conducting field work across the western US to obtain key samples for our NSF grant on rattlesnake adaptation and speciation.

New Paper in Systematic Biology – Probabilistic Species Tree Distances
Our new paper on probabilistic species tree distances is now out in Systematic Biology! In this study, we detail a new approach for probabilistic species

Richard Adams graduates with his Ph.D. and off to a postdoc at FAU
Congrats to Dr. Richard Adams, who graduated in May with his Ph.D. from the lab. We will all really miss Rich and congratulate him on

New paper in MPE on how the popular species tree method Statistical Binning suffers massive gene tree error by trying to avoid gene tree error
Congrats to Rich Adams on a nice paper that demonstrates that a widely-used approach in phylogenomics – Statistical binning – suffers profound model violation due

New paper in Nature Communications on genomic transposable element landscapes in vertebrates, and the uniqueness of squamate reptile genomes
Congrats to first author Giulia Pasquesi for her recent paper in Nature Communications which demonstrates how remarkably different transposable element evolutionary dynamics are in squamate

New paper in Current Biology – Commentary on recent study demonstrating how plasticity may enable genetic adaptation
Congrats to Blair and Drew for putting together a nice commentary on a recent paper by Corl et al. in Current Biology, which demonstrates an