Congrats to Zach Nikolakis, and other coauthors within the lab and at the University of Colorado School of Medicine (Pollock and Carlton labs) on a string of three nice papers focused on integrating genomic and epidemiological data to advance control and elimination of Schistosomiasis.
- Nikolakis, Z.L., E.J. Carlton, D.D. Pollock and T.A. Castoe. 2022. A genomic can of worms for schistosome host specificity. Trends in Parasitology 38: 496-497. PDF
- Nikolakis, Z.L, R.H. Adams, K.J. Wade, A. Lund, E.J. Carlton, T.A. Castoe* and D.D. Pollock*. 2022. Prospects for genomic surveillance for selection in schistosome parasites. Frontiers in Epidemiology 2:932021. (* joint corresponding authors). PDF.
- Lund, A.J., K.J. Wade, Z.L. Nikolakis, K. Ivey, B.W. Perry, H. Pike, S.H. Paul, T.A. Castoe, D.D. Pollock, and E.J. Carlton. 2022. Integrating genomic and epidemiologic data to accelerate progress towards schistosomiasis elimination. eLife. Article in press. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.79320. PDF